The Torch Principle

Are you facing personal or professional challenges that require original and innovative solutions? Are you tired of the typical solutions that don’t produce lasting results? Would you like find a better balance between your creative and your analytical muscles in order to empower your career, health and well-being?

Analytical muscles that are too strong can:

  • Constrain your professional life by making you converge prematurely to typical and predictable solutions.
  • Impact your personal life by generating stress, anxiety and similar issues connected to repetitive mental strain.

Creative muscles that are too strong can:

  • Make your professional life inefficient, chaotic and disorganized.
  • Impact your personal life preventing you from functioning within our society, unable to turn off the creative switch.

You need balance. We live in a society where complexity and competition require more and more innovative solutions. In such a society, which strongly favours analytical and logical strategies, we need to put more emphasis in strengthening our creative muscles to reach a better balance so that we can diverge strongly before we converge onto innovative and useful solutions for our professional and personal challenges.

The Torch principle (Creativity) is a unique book + online platform ( that empowers your creative muscles and helps you generate original solutions to your personal & professional challenges. Award winning creative director Javier ideami brings you a book plus an online all in one platform to empower your career, health and well-being through radically enhancing your creativity.

  • Learn multisensory brainstorming techniques.
  • Generate unique solutions to your personal and professional challenges.
  • Reach a better balance between your analytical and your creative muscles.
  • Empower your career, health and well-being through creative thinking.
  • Get access to an online platform ( ) with videos, tools and graphics that help you visualize and understand the content as well as exercise your creative muscles.

The Torch Principle gives you the background knowledge you need combined with specific exercises and techniques that can help you find solutions and ideas for the personal and professional challenges you face. It also helps you reach a better balance between your analytical and your creative muscles. This, in turn, benefits your career, health and well-being.

We all have challenges, personal and professional. Typical solutions often don’t last and can’t adapt to the complexity of the situation we face or are ineffective against the competition. That’s why you need truly innovative and original solutions. You need to diverge strongly before you converge onto those solutions. To diverge strongly you need strong creative muscles. The Torch Principle gives you exercises to train your creative muscles and the tools to produce ideas and solutions that can overcome complexity and competition. Solutions that last.

You need to read this book because:

  • It will give you specific strategies and tools to generate more original and innovative ideas/solutions for your personal and professional challenges.
  • It will help you find a better balance between your analytical and your creative muscles. This will benefit your career, health and well-being.
  • You get much more than a book. You get access to an online platform with videos, software apps and graphics that will help you visualize and understand the content as well as exercise your creative muscles.

>>> Much more than a book, the torch principle gives you:

  • An online platform with resources to complement the book.
  • Dozens of videos and graphics to support the exercises and the content of the book.
  • Software Apps to exercise your creative muscles.

A world of information

Everything we interact with can be understood in terms of information. We can process and work with that information in different ways:

  • With thinking strategies that are systematic, analytical and logical, focused on converging. We walk with our torch step by step, trying to illuminate an answer or solution to our challenge as fast and as efficiently as we can.
  • With strategies that are intuitive and expansive, focused on diverging. We throw multiple torches to far away locations, looking to illuminate what at first seems unconnected to our challenge.

It is in the process of combining both strategies in the right way, in diverging before we converge under the right circumstances (the DITS process described in the book), that the magic lies. To express how strong we are at each of these strategies we visualize them as if they were muscles. They are our analytical and creative muscles. Finding a better balance between those 2 muscles, between converging and diverging, between systematic analysis and creative divergence, can benefit our professional careers, health and well-being in incredible ways.

Due to cultural and physiological reasons, the way most adults process information leans quite heavily towards the convergent analytical side. At the same time, the challenges we face today, both professionally and personally, are increasingly complex and we are often surrounded by competitors looking to outsmart us. In such context, the solutions that our analytical muscles can provide on their own are often too typical and predictable. Their value doesn’t last long enough. Innovating becomes essential. A better balance between our analytical and creative muscles is the best strategy. Diverging before converging is a necessity in today’s world.

The Torch Principle provides you with 4 key things:

  • It helps you become more conscious of the direction in which your thinking is leaning. Are you more convergent or more divergent?
  • It helps you understand what are the benefits of approaching a better balance between those muscles and the dangers of leaning too much towards any of the extremes.
  • It gives you exercises to strengthen and exercise your creative muscles. Just as you cannot run a marathon without first training properly your body muscles, it is not easy to produce great innovative ideas without first having fit and strong creative muscles. Exercising your creative muscles with the exercises of the book helps you approach a better balance between your analytical and your creative muscles, between convergence and divergence. That, in turn, benefits your career, health and well-being.
  • You can use those exercises and strategies to diverge strongly and generate specific ideas for any professional or personal challenge you may have right now in your life. And in the same way that to train for a marathon you have to train not just one muscle but all the dimensions of your being, the exercises proposed by the book are multidisciplinary and touch all of your senses and a variety of skills, in a way that resonates with the theory of multiple intelligences of Howard Gardner. You can watch video examples of the exercises in the online platform provided with the book.

The more you exercise your creative muscles, the better your balance becomes and the easier it gets to diverge before you converge on your way to innovative solutions for your challenges. Eventually, this better balance between converging and diverging becomes a way of living that benefits all aspects of your existence.

To facilitate the absorption of the content and the practice of the exercises, the book provides an online platform with graphics, videos and tools that complement the reading and accelerate the understanding and practice of the book’s teachings.

Many of the principles of the book have been put in practice for years in the Springkite workshops that Ideami created in Silicon Valley, California, the epicenter of innovation. Now you can access this powerful mixture of knowledge and techniques to empower your thinking and generate more innovative solutions for your challenges.